Refund Policy
To initiate a return, simply send an email at If you prefer to call, you may call us at (720) 379-8578. Please be sure to include your order number, model number of your item and the reson for your return. We will simply reply with either a return merchandise authorization (RMA) or the reason why your return request is being rejected.
Our return policy is 30 days from the date that the item is delivered to the shipping address. To process a return the item must be in the original condition as purchased. Used, damaged or replaced items will not be accepted. Returned items must be unused. Items must be returned in the original sealed manufacturers packaging or in sellers sealed packaging. Prior to returning you product please contact the seller to obtain the return address and a return authorization number.
Items should be returned within 30 days from the time that the date that the RMA is issued. Returns received after such point may be rejected. If the return is a function of our error, a return shipping label will be provided. Tracking must be provided from the customer to the seller for all items being returned. Damage occurring as a function of return shipping is the responsibility of the customer.
If a shipment is rejected, refused or unclaimed a refund will be issues for the cost of the product only. Shipping costs for rejected, refused or unclaimed items will not be refunded; if an item is rejected, refused or unclaimed and the item had free shipping, a 30% restocking fee may be levied against the refund. Refund will be applied once item has been returned and verified as undamaged and unused. Depending on service a 30% restocking fee may be levied against refund amount. We will only issue a refund to the original payment method.
If returning from outside of the USA buyers are responsible for their courier duties, taxes, tariffs, or unlisted fees associated with the return.