Sony OEM Parts is your trusted store for all OEM Sony parts.

Because we get our inventory straight from the manufacturer, you can rest assured that you will be getting exactly the part that you need in order to replace a lost, broken, or malfunctioning part.

Here at Parts-Distribution, we know that repairing or performing maintenance on an appliance is a great deal cheaper than buying a new one outright; that’s why we provide brand new OEM parts for a number of Sony products. All of our Sony OEM parts are in-stock, affordable, and are the exact parts that come with the original appliance.

To Find Your Part, Simply Enter The Model Number Of Your Device Into Our Interactive Search Bar Above!

For example, do you seem to have lost your Sony remote control? Don’t waste time with universal remotes that aren’t built for your device. You can find the right Sony remotes for your needs right here. It’s as simple as that.

Why Shop At

Why should you shop for Sony OEM parts at

Simply put, it’s our aim to provide all of the necessary OEM parts, tools, and resources for your repair or maintenance needs. We do this in order to help save you money and make your life downright easier.

At Parts-Distribution, you never have to worry about buying parts that don’t fit or work the right way, simply because we buy our OEM parts straight from Sony. That allows you to buy with confidence and repair your device with ease.

We are also proud to offer free shipping on orders that are over $100, and we accept payment from all major carriers including MasterCard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, and more.

At, we are committed to leaving you with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee — so don’t hesitate to reach out if you are in need of assistance.

Whether you are shopping for one simple replacement part or you need a number of items for a full-scale repair, we have the tools and resources that can help make your job easier.

Shop for Sony OEM parts today and experience the Parts-Distribution difference!

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